Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Genetics of My Happiness

Shut me down down down
Shut me down down down
For what it's worth I'm in love with you
Said for what it's worth I'm in love with you

"Why do you think we marry girls?" Why do you think we do? And by we I mean males. Why marry girls? Because, while we can go on living our lives without them, they complete the bigger picture. I've seen the results in my friends. The arguments, the laughter, playfulness and the complete understanding between two individuals of the opposite sex. We need them and they need us, and it's a beautiful union.

Perfect relationships are hard to come by. But The Sleepless Dreamer has a few friends that entertain him in this regard. Watching it all unfold, especially when they're close to TSD, opens the eyes to a whole new world of thinking. Biological, physiological, genetic (essentially all the same, just fancy words) or psychological?

Psychosocial and Genetic Essentialism. What about that? The argument that the human tendency to psychosocial essentialism is exacerbated by genetic communication. Yeah, you can tell I recently had a psychology exam.  This is where Genetic Essentialist Bias comes in. Exposure to genetic attribution leads to cognitive biases.

In essence, people view the outcome as immutable and predetermined. Why do I bring this up I hear you asking. How does it relate to love? Well, there may be genetic arguments for all kinds of things. Especially in the love department when it comes to genetics and it "not being a choice". But then along came Landen and Innala (2002). Specific genetic markers associated with a certain trait often leading to controversial debate. The argument being that such thinking reduces blame by stating that it is beyond control and thus morally okay. Cool enough in reducing stereotype I find. But then I think of people like Mr A. Hitler. Genetic attribution does not provide an escape on moral ground.

Genetics only ever has an effect if it is moderated by the environment; it is not enough on its own to cause such a complex emotional response as love and sexuality. But the love I see is definitely more than just a genetic cause. This is completely and totally perfectly emotionally, and all the other -ly's that you can think of, a combination of everything that makes it great. And I love it.

Wow though. Even my soft side is wreathed in scientific analysis. What the hell is wrong with me? Don't answer that. And don't ask questions you don't want the answer to. I'm scary when I'm not angry. And that in itself scares me. When did I get so happy for my friends?

Since forever. DUHHH! My friends are family. I don't need blood to tell me that. And I love that they're happy.

Feeding on the happiness,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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