Sunday, September 4, 2011

1 + 1 is....? Yeah what is it? :P

1+1 equals 2, the simplest of all answers. And it's right, coz 1 plus 1 does equal two, me and my grrl equals two people! Hehehe, Theres one answer down, the simplest and most logical :)


1+1 equals Window. The visual answer xP. And it's also right, for y'all that don't believe it, draw it out or let someone draw it out for ya if you still cant get it hahaha And it's what I like to call, the window of opportunity, no matter what the weather, I wish that I can always sit with my grrl and look from the inside to the outside. Protected, safe and happy. Yet I also want us to be on the outside sometimes, with other people behind the windows, looking out to admire us while we're doin' what we do (yeah, kinda like the movie scenes where a load of people are looking out to the main characters walking down that street of on centre-screen, centre of attention sorta thang :P)

And then,

1+1 equals 1. This'll take a lil chemical knowledge to understand. In some senses this can be the chemical answer. Talkin' of moles and what not. But in simple terms, basically...when two are united as one. And this is what i like to think of as me and my grrl. United :) And i wouldn't have it any other way. And this action ain't reversible, coz yo mayne right here won't be able to go on without his grrl. And here's where something else pops in, y'all heard people sayin' "Great minds think alike"? and "Two brains are better than one"? Well, two brains ARE better than one, but two great AND complementing brains, acting as one is even better, that's right, takin' it up just that extra step. We on the next level :P

And then,

1+1 equals 11. This is the simple matter of putting the two next two next to each other and allowing them to, interact, react, and whatever they may please ;). And it's also symbolic of this day. That's right. Symbolic of today. On the o4o911, for me and my baby grrl, it's our happy 11. Happy 11 babbee, know that yo mayne here loves you very much. You're special, and having you by my side is the most precious gift i could receive in the world, you are the world to me. Baby, you're one of a kind~ <3<3<3

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo (*^.^*)

PS. AND NO I DID NOT FORGET xPP, today, the special day for our dads. Happy Father's day to the Fathers out there and hope today brings y'all happiness and joy, the weather being nice, the wind a lil breezy, when y'all takin' a walk or trip outside, feel that wind in yo hair and be happy. Being a father's a hard job, and y'all pullin' it AUWFFF. So to ma ol' man. Happy Father's day! You the greatest. And if you've heard my music while i've pumped it on full volume before you should've heard "Last name Ever, First name Greatest." And that's you! And there ain't no other that gon be like you. Thanks fo errythang Dad! You're AWESOMEEEEEE! :D

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