Friday, July 19, 2013

But Never Late is Better - Triple Post (Grab Some Popcorn)

Maybe I'm dreaming
Maybe I'm fine
Maybe I just write it down cause I got it on my mind, man
It's not a biography, it's a rhyme
Reality or thoughts, either way this shit's mine

A lot on my mind. Now ain't that about a bitch? How can you have a lot on your mind? You can't even touch your mind. It's not a physical entity (relax, I know it's a figure of speech). Now the reality of the thought comes in. Are you living or dying? 

I'm here to tell you that you can only be dying. You are ageing. And ageing brings you closer to death. You are older today than you were yesterday. Therefore you are closer to death. Therefore you are dying. Even as you read this.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Recognition - Rant #3

You underestimated greatly
Most number ones ever, how long did it really take me?
The part I love most is they need me more than they hate me
So they never take shots, I got everybody on safety

I'm just being Frank with you. Holidays are the shit man. Free time mixed in with a little bit of work and not even a smidgen of study. This I can get used to. I mean, wow. Life is so much more fun when there's no study to do. I can even get used to working. I mean, you get money at the end of it to spend on more free time! And I'm like a very leaky sink. The money comes in and flows straight out.

Party, party, party, like there ain't no tomorrow. Who cares man, I don't even care if I don't wake up tomorrow. Life's too short to worry about death, right? But what does anyone do that's longer than life? Answer me that.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Genetics of My Happiness

Shut me down down down
Shut me down down down
For what it's worth I'm in love with you
Said for what it's worth I'm in love with you

"Why do you think we marry girls?" Why do you think we do? And by we I mean males. Why marry girls? Because, while we can go on living our lives without them, they complete the bigger picture. I've seen the results in my friends. The arguments, the laughter, playfulness and the complete understanding between two individuals of the opposite sex. We need them and they need us, and it's a beautiful union.

Perfect relationships are hard to come by. But The Sleepless Dreamer has a few friends that entertain him in this regard. Watching it all unfold, especially when they're close to TSD, opens the eyes to a whole new world of thinking. Biological, physiological, genetic (essentially all the same, just fancy words) or psychological?