Saturday, July 9, 2011

The rumours are true...

TSD (hey! It's your birthday!), Soft toy and yo mayne right here went to that huge outlet. What was it? DFO? Seemed moar like UFO, that's only coz i ain't seen these guys in ages! But once bros, always bros. Esp. for the trip to growin' up aye. That lil sleepless dreamer was a lil boy, and today...still was :P

This DFO was for shoppin' so ... shop we did. Went from the coldest day in the morn to what was quite the heater in the arvo, 3pm on the train and well, sun shinin' right on my face, it was boiling.

DFO was aiightt, this mayne aint been shoppin' in AGES, walked our first lap without even entering a store, well, half a lap, before we wandered into Puma. Jokin', Laughin'.

Soft Toy! That chain, nice choice, i like it. TSD, those sunnies? they too small for my head :P nah, they cool. But you HAVE to have a whole collection to make it EPIC. yeah? i'm assuming ur a smart person and understood what i said.

Declined. Wait...what was that? oh! riightt, seems someones forgotten their PIN. That's some funny stuff hahahaha, funny stuff, we'll wait for TSD to upload the receipt :P

The shirts we got. naiceeee, ohh, and TSD, hows that shirt look aye? the one you got first? hahahahahaha i rkon itll look tops with ahhh, that nicee thanngg you can put round yo wrist, that thing from Japanese Air-Lines? xP [dayum BN better be wearin' that thang :P]

Let's PRETEND I give a ISH and leave it at that. --- Shirt no.1
The Rumour's are true... I Kick-Ass! --- Shirt no. 2

Waitin' for these guys to ready themselves, we must catch the Transformers in action with our respective 3D Masks. and be auwn to see how the lil boy handles his drinks hahaha TSD! Time and date. coz y'all know, we needa celebrate. Happy Birfday mayne.

Well, thought i had moar to say, but i can't remember what atm, catch y'all later.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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