From the position of my girl and me
From the perspective of laying on the hood of a car
Looking up at the stars with all the connections cut
First iteration. One of the first inverted I ever met. You came in threes. And all three of you stayed with me. But you were the first. The sister that I never thought I'd have. The one that I found myself running to protect. The littlest big sister ever. If I ever have a biological sister (small chance now, methinks) but if ever, I hope she's like you. Just less pretty. It's too hard to chase away the boys. They're so damn persistent. I'm sure you know all about it. Years go by and it's like nothing happened. I love it. Sia. Don't stress too much, you little stresspot. Everything is going to be okay. Trust me.
Second inversion. Two of three. Popped off. I still see you at least a few times a week. Can't get away from you. It's gonna be so weird when uni ends and we go separate ways. Better still see you a lot. It's so hard to replace older brothers these days. It's hard to put into words, but brother pretty much sums it up. Now go find a girl before I do and you never can again. #FamilyIsNotJustABloodline.
Iteration the Third. It occurs to me that I'm still the youngest out of all I've mentioned so far. I really am the baby of this family. It also ain't really fair. I ain't cut out for having an older brother who has to rival every single move I make and, in most cases, do it better than I do. You always had a flair for the extravagant. Keep it. It suits you. Showoff.
Fourth iteration. Redacted. Your name is -redacted-. You meant a lot to me. The -redacted- I knew probably still does. The -redacted- you are now, not so much. It's a shame really. Potentials eventually fizzle out. That's the nature of -redacted- I guess. I mean I spent three years learning about the chemistry of potentials. And it'd probably kill you that me saying something like that would bring a -redacted- to your face. Oh oh, sometimes I get a good feeling. -Redacted-.
Repetition V. It's weird. It's conflict. It's I'm not ready. It's I'm not sure I want to be. It's something you can't change because you can't change me. It's a cycle I've been through before. What's that saying? Different toilet, same shit? Feels that way. Been here before and I'm just going through those motions again. Repetition, right?
Invert the Sixth. The one who is always there to tell me, "I told you so". I hope you're here to tell me that for so many more years to come. And I hope I'm around to not listen. I'm your bane. I'm one of the reasons for your existence. You are one of mine. I wouldn't be the man I am without everything you have given to me, offered me, taught me. Not many above you.
Seventh Seven. The perfect number, the perfect amount of times. You knew I'd be here, knew I'd be writing this. I just hope I can make you proud at some point in my life, to reciprocate the love you've shown me, to be everything you know I can be. I hope I make it. I hope to meet you one day.
Seven Inverted Sevens that have impacted my life in various ways. They made me what I am. They continue to do that. And now it's more than seven. But only a few will understand the sevens. Even then, maybe not.
I'm a notoriously private being,
Patty McFatty
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