Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Workout Tuesday #4

Yeah yeah yeah.
It's not tuesday.
But I've knocked down 2 finals exams.
2 moar to go before I can just concentrate on training, fitness and whatever the hell I want to do.
So read on...

8 exercises.
45 seconds each exercise.
Do 30 burpees after each ROUND.
Rest for 1 minute.
(2 if you REALLY must.)

  1. Squats
  2. Leg Raises
  3. Russian Twists (with weight)
  4. Push-ups
  5. Pull-ups/Chin-Ups (alternate as you wish)
  6. Split Lunges
  7. Mountain Climbers
  8. V-Sit

Go for 3-5 Rounds.

If pull-ups can't be done...
Take them out, 7 exercises, but 1 minute/exercise instead.

Work it out.

Mr. Jyamaigo

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