Monday, March 5, 2012

Needs. Wants.

I'm gonna assume we all know what we need and what we want. The difference is obvious right?
Food, need. Sweets, want. But that's not always how it goes. And we're usually smiling cheekily and then regretting frantically as we get moar of what we want than what we actually need. Getting fat is probably one of the most suitable examples =P hahahaha, and we all have been guilty of this.

But what I want to talk bout today isn't about materialistic needs or wants. It's about how so very close a want can come to a need. So close, it basically feels like a need. See when it comes to people around you and non-materialistic things, it starts to be the other way around. What you do for your friends and family - if you think real hard and keep it strictly technical - are not because you NEED to, but because you WANT to. I know a lot of people would disagree with me, so it's okay to go crazy at what I just said.

But that's what I mean to say. You punch your friend, curse at him/her, insult him/her, but you would gladly do the same to those who will cause this friend any discomfort. And that's where I'm starting to see the difference in seriousness in which people take the idea of needs and wants. And usually, we're all smart enough to not have trouble with mixing up the two. But it's whose needs and wants you cater for, that make ALL the difference.

That's all I wanted to say on that matter. I was disturbed and lost my train of thought. SiiGH.

Well, here's a scenario. What if you were going to plan an outing. A moar than normal outing. And you're told that it's not a good time. No reason. And when you ask for a reason. Shunned. And you get that feeling that you shouldn't ask anymoar.
Being intelligent. You think for a while. And you hypothesize a scenario to fill in the gap for the reason. And you come up with one that you fear, yet sounds completely reasonable. Still you're a bit irritated. If that's what it was. Why not just say?
Well. You sit around on your ass. Bathe in ur negative thought stream which has now become a negative swamp. You can't take it. You find something to do. You need...a Distraction. So you forget. Temporarily. Everything becomes neutral.
Time passes.
You finally talk. Wasn't any form of communication for moar than a few hours. Your hypothesized idea returns to your mind. You feel uneasy. You tip toe around the fact you want to know. Turns out? It was e.x.a.c.t.l.y as you had thought. Now the main question. Why not say? and then...
Why pretend that it was a surprise when you knew it was going to happen? Should you have just made that time your time? Maybe it could've been you that was there. But it wasn't. And you've missed your chance. You're another step further from being closer.
You're losing it.


Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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