Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rain and Supplements

Rain, rain. Go away. Come again when I tell you to.
Geez, I mean. it's like the weather doesn't speak english or something.

hahahahaha, stay in and study week for me, lucky it's nearly over, and my babe's nearly back! I miss her so much it's crazyyy!

Knowledge obtained from study? Nothing. Well hahahaha, that would've been the oh-so-typical answer but who would study if we actually didn't get anything out of it right? We all study for a purpose. Whether it's to make someone shut up; to actually learn something and do something productive in our spare time or to get somewhere. Funnily enough for me, it kinda works whichever way you put it. And this is what i got...

In summary, Eminem music complimented one night of study, where i was able to plough through half the chapters of a specific topic. But the next night, Eminem's rap was too good. Study was compromised. So i turned off the music and got to studying. Finding out that basically all of the 'supplements' for health and nutritional performances, namely ergogenic aids are pretty much NOT proven to help or have any effect at all. And if it did have an effect, it was on non-human subjects, so in actual humans...the evidence is nowhere near enough to produce practical results. Exercise and a proper diet is still the way to go.

Fear not though. Additional protein powder as a supplement hasn't been shown to be harmful in anyway; caffeine has also been proven to help increase your work output as it is a stimulant for the CNS (Central Nervous System). It increases the supply of epinephrine which in turn increase the rate at which your body frees free fatty acids for metabolic reasons. One thing about caffeine though...having a consistent intake of caffeine seems to blunt it's effects, so caffeine being a proven supplement doesn't mean we all go out and drink 50 cups of coffee a day for the next year. It don't work like that =P

Another supplement which i'm sure y'all have heard of, Creatine (derived from Arginine, Glycine and Methionine). It's said to increase phosphocreatine stores in your muscles (these are used as a source of energy in the resynthesis of ATP, the body's energy 'currency'). So the moar phosphocreatine in the muscles, it'll take JUST that little bit longer to cause fatigue, so yup, it decreases fatigue. It also increases lean muscle mass, this is due to the promotion of protein synthesis (also a said said effect of creatine).

Well, post cut short. I have a dentist appointment. I'll catch y'all later aye?

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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