Oh we back in the most amazing way...really? What is the most amazing way?
I think imma have to do what my brother Jyamaigo has done before and split this post down the metaphorical middle and continue it tomorrow. This is on the account of me taking some photos that I wish to take lighting up my house and waking the other inhabitants who are currently in the land that eludes me oh so often - beddy bye land (a.k.a. LaLaLand). Don't sleep, your man TSD is unconscious.
Sorry for the lack of postage in the lately. There was nothing for about 5 days. But at least we got Mystery Mayne to make his first, of what we hope will be many, posts. Kicked it off with a countdown/prediction. Not too bad for his first.
What's gone down in my world lately is the expansion of my ever increasing physical music and movie collection. I smell the Discography of Flo coming my way soon. One more to complete his ever increasing set. Got a collectors edition of one of the greatest movies of recent times (real recent). Wait till I show you the box. There' 3 cases. It's a mission to get to the movie disc. Of which there are two...interesting.
In the way of tech, me getting teched out. Got a PS3 on loan from a cuzo for a month. Turned me into a COD addict. Knife...Famas...spray...swap weapon...AUG...Knife...AK47 with Reflex Sight. Yay! Also got me a new phone on the way. i4 to be exact. Bout friggin time. I only planned to have one about three months ago but what ho? No stock. That has now been rectified.
Check it, pix coming tomorrow. Maybe I'll get a status update from Lillian. She appears to be on a little break. I'll let y'all know. Maybe there'll be some pix from tomorrow's event with a meetup with Mr. J, ShadowLordz, Soft Toy and (one of the?) Mystery Mayne on the cards. Shadow's always got his camera ready. There's an app for that =P (INside joke)
From a rather comfortable bed somewhere in Greater Western Syd,
The Sleepless Dreamer
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