Thursday, August 4, 2011

Double Digits.

o4o811~ That makes it 10 :)
The special feeling you get when you just think of someone.
Couldn't see someone today, my special someone.
I feel a lil out of it. Maybe coz of that, but we're gonna make up for it.
That makes me feel a lil better, if we cool. I hope we cool :) Babbee? :)

Had a dull day at the uni today, class was bad, but i could text someone.
Lab was boring as hell and not all that pleasant, but i could think of someone.
Experiments weren't worth the 'game' hype, but i could imagine hugging someone.

To be honest, nothing else matters. It's just as long as I have that special someone,
even if it's just so i know that they're there.

Yo mayne right here, Mr. J, would just like to say, how much he appreciates havin'
a special someone, as his special someone.

So just believe in me babe,
and we'll deal with the rest~
:) <3 (:

I love my smilingf00l~ xD

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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