Friday, July 29, 2011

Hearing.Every.Rhyme (H.E.R)

BRAIN EXPLOSION!. In my mind, in my head, in my room, in my bed. Wooohooo. :D

You win some, you lose some. Oh wells. Been a very turbulent week for the Dreamer. Been having some issues around the homeland, first week of uni done and one very very very high moment escaping from the world.

Uni pretty good this sem methinks. A lot more of subjects that I like in comparison to Sem 1. Thermodynamics goooooone, hello organic. And, of course, the genome. The thing that makes us who we are. What we are. The genetic code within us that dictates everything our body does. This I like. Psychology is still a "hmmm, wonder what's going on there" kind of thing at this point (but maybe that's cos I haven't really started paying attention yet hehe). And thank gosh those pracs are that little bit shorter now. Whew.

Been getting a lot more walking done, now that the war has reached the "Cold" stage. I seem to recall that "not helping me" means "not helping you" but seriously feels like I don't care at the moment. Vented enough already to have a blank feeling when it comes to these things. As someone very close to me has told me, walking is good for meditation.

Mr.Sleepless has decided to reward himself with what he has come to collect over the years: The New Era 59Fifty Cap. Selected one of his favourite heroes (in fact, THE favourite) and bought the official new cap. Check it out.

Can't wait till it arrives =D

And I do love hearing every rhyme. The rhyme takes me away. Escapes with me. Rain, hail, sleet, snow or fire :)

That's why I love H.E.R

The Sleepless Dreamer

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