Tuesday, May 3, 2011


It's cookie dough ice cream.
Wakin' up from a nice dream.
To a beautiful morning.
With you by my side.
That's niice.

Just as long as it makes you happy.

Late mornin'. Physio. MACCAS. Basketball. well, it don't sound like much of a bad thing. you might even say i'm lucky and happy. but first and foremost...Note to self: NO maccas before Sport. Bad move. Moarover. no moar than one maccas burger per maccas meal. no 3 large fries either, even if you THINK you're sharing. I couldn't even BREATHE when i was ballin'. Man. Shots not even hittin' the rim to start with. That's just disgraceful. But then when they hit. They hit from ERRYWHEREE. mad huh?

Physio was cool. lookin' out the overview of the uni indoor court area. on all the lil students. thinkin' back to when i was like that. wonderin' where all my primary mates are at. Haven't talked to them in ages. nor seen them. or attempted to reconnect. Some kinda friend i am huh? Well. Hope they happy. Wish em well, and hope to see em soon.

Y'all know MJ - Human Nature? Well, Check out Chris Brown - She Ain't You. all this mad stuff makes this mayne right here wanna get back into dancin' and groovin'. DAYUM y'all. READ THIS. GET UP AND DANCE.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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