It's been a while since I made a post hasn't it? I left y'all with Mr. J for entertainment...and he ain't even that good a showman. LOL JKS, Spedhead I jest. He's been letting you in on a little bit of his world while I've been so immersed in my own that I've neglected the very thing I helped build. And there may be more construction coming. I might have another revamp of the blog, depending on whether I can get some lessons in coding. This template, even though its been heavily edited by me, is started to show signs of wear and tear and I think it may be time for some rejuvenation. Not 100% sure though. I'll keep you guys posted.
Now. What have I been doing in my self-imposed exile from my cyber home away from home? To be honest, a lot of ish went down. I have to thank my man Jyamaigo for keeping this thing going in my absence. He stopped this thing from going stagnant, although he's a bit of a spedhead when it comes to editing and stuff hehe. To you brother, cheers.
First up, let me explain. I pretty much had a lot of ish going on with my life at the time that I took a rest and there was a multitude of reasons for me not taking the time to post (don't think I didn't think to, I just didn't have the time). A few of those reasons were uni midsem assessments, the fact that this was my 100th post and I felt it should be a little more special than the rest and something fondly known as stealth mode by those of us who use it.
Lemme catch you guys up. Midsemester exams came and went. Really the only exam I had was a 30min bio exam and a 40min biostatistics exam. Bio was seriously a biatch. Confusing towards the end but I reckon I got it down quite well. And biostats turned out to be quite le easy. Full marked that ish. But there was also a couple of assignments. Human biology (again) with an assessment worth 24% of my final mark (like and an Applications of Calculus assignment (did somebody say....EASY?). So I'm down with uni at the moment. But I got a big ass tonne of notes to catch up on, plus a psych essay due and a Human Bio case study to do. Oh Em Gee.
And this is my 100th post. Can you believe that Fyre and Brimstoan is six months old? And that we've passed 5000 views? (bet none of y'all noticed) And that even in my absence, Mista J still couldnt catch up to me with his post count? Bahahaha. I am FyreandBrimstoan! It cannot live without me ;)
Speaking of catching up, I caught up to Jyamaigo in an aspect he has been kicking my ass in for quite a while now. In fact he's been winning since about the fourth of October last year. But now, the playing field is level. And I'm loving it. Stealth mode is killing me softly though. I can't stand having to use it but I love it when I'm free to be me around you. You know if I'm talking to you. Sorry for what we have to do cos of me, but love it when we do what we do.
In my other spare time, I have again expanded my CD collection with Chris Brown - F.A.M.E. and with what has to be one of the greatest albums of all time, Eminem - Curtain Call: The Hits. These two albums have been on repeat for quite a while now. Loving the new Breezy music. Pix soon.
So, this is me catching you up on what's been doing. Imma be back a lot more frequently to keep Jyamaigo company. Might even finally see this BN tomorrow for the first time in about three months. That's way too long for brothers to not see each other. Watch out. the world might explode at our reunion. If that happens...our bad.
Mr. 100 signing out, for now,
The Sleepless Dreamer
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