Sunday, February 26, 2012


...year at uni. The time where we all miss uni coz the holidays have been draggin' on for a lil too long with nothing to do (for those like me with not much going on, that is.) and then the day before uni, im pretty much ready to say, aight. another few weeks of holidays wouldnt hurt right? But it's all over, another set of holidays just flown by and we bout to hit the year of uni.

Preparation was the pre-semester 1 week of holidays where you set ur weight up and you get ready to push n pull. Now tomolo for me would be the concentric phase of the exercise. gotta push it till the peak. As for the isometric (hold/pause, whatever you may like to call it) and the eccentric phase, completely out of my mind at this point in time. Real different right? coz when you're pushing weights, you kinda think bout (sometimes even disregard) the down phase of it coz its gon be easy and it'll be like it's not even there.

But i've found that uni, and any aspect of life you're going to encounter will be very much the same as a repetition of an exercise. Now. Some of you might be thinking, but hey, towards the end of uni we have to work our arses off to prepare for finals. And you're right. Just that the structure of the 'exercise' you have in mind is different.

Confused? It's simple. Here's the explanation. The eccentric phase (down phase) of an exercise has been PROVEN to be significantly moar beneficial and effective for your training, the moar attention you pay to it. Simple? It's not hard to understand. So now, our exercise, and our uni work path have both come aligned, we can see that they pretty much the same.

You work hard to push the weight up,
You gradually get into the rhythm and studying methods of uni.

You pause for a little to prepare for the change in phases,
You take a mid sem break, tho now you have worked up the knowledge in ur head.

You work hard to VERY slowly lower the weight (try it, it's a lot harder than it sounds.),
You work hard and revise to retain knowledge while applying it.

Final Hold,
Final Exams.

If you did a proper rep of the right weight, then GG y'all, y'all be feelin' awesome,
If you did well in the exams, kick back, relax and get ready for the next thing to come ur way.
(well, not really for the exams =P coz even IF we do well we all still gon be shittin' our pants in anticipation)

so that's my take, may sound a lil silly, and i might sound like i'm in a craze bout exercise, but that's how i like to look at it sometimes. Y'all might do it too, but with other things, apply what you're good at to something you're tryna get done and you'll find out that....they might not be all that different after all.

nonetheless, GYM TIME.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weekend Daze

Another Friday working both jobs. That was definitely not fun. Called in last minute. Six hour shift at one place, fixing errors I didn't even have the indecency to make. No lunch, no food intake, only water. Then rushhhhhhh all the way on the train to the next job. Another three and a half hours of more work. One and a half hours to make my way home. But not before fooooood! Chips, fresh out the frier. BURNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, burn straight to the roof of the mouth. And the tongue. Burnt!

Doesn't that suck? Burning your tongue? Cos then nothing tastes right for a while. And then pancakes don't quite taste so well. But yummmmmmmmmmmm, pancakes. YUM! With nutella and honey and caramelised banana. Lazy weekends. Blub =P

Feeling writer's block,

The Sleepless Dreamer

Friday, February 24, 2012

Pleasant Ruckus.

Early morning wake, to a 'I-have-no-idea-what-i'm-doing' state where my eyes won't even open.
an hour or two later?

'oh my god. the house is a mess!' the complaints start and the semi rush here and there of a normal life returns. Here needs cleaning, there needs organizing, everywhere needs to look better etc etc.

'How did you guys even survive like this?!' I smile to myself, knowing that they know we got it good. Just a lil touch up here and there and it was all fine. Everything's become noisy again. But this ain't no ordinary noise. It's a pleasant change to the stressful interactions of trying to resume the role of the parents AND it's what we're all used to here at home, and what we all missed.

Noise levels increased, scolding will be consistent yet again. But none of us mind. We like it this way. And it's only now moar than we thought that we really did miss their presence.

The parents are back (Hurray! We get to have a decent meal! Cheers to REAL FOOD! =P)

Having said that, there's actually a lot of luggage and presents to rummage for.
So imma be back at a later time. Y'all calm yourselves down, uni students get ready for UNI.
I know y'all missed it. I kinda got a bit bored towards the end of the holidays so yeah, i kinda miss UNI as well.

Songs to listen to:
Rihanna - Talk That Talk [Ft. Jay-Z]
Gym Class Heroes - Ass Back Home [Ft. Neon Hitch]
Flo Rida - Wild Ones [Ft. Sia]
T-Pain - Turn all the Lights On [Ft. Ne-Yo]

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Seeing what it's like.

Well, long time no post. Apologies to the few (if any at all) who read the posts I post. Things have been a mixture of working, reading, watching, cooking, cleaning, and a whole lot of just... stuff. The parents are out to have fun in Thailand for a week or so, my baby grrl's out overseas too~ miss them all so muchhh, i couldn't imagine a world without them. Luckily still got my homeboy TSD and ma man Shadowlord to keep me company. Wouldn't be me without these guys. Much love. (no homo. for all you clowns out there LOL)

Anyway, things been going well, me bro, sis and I are handling it quite well at home. Acting as the parents and children in the suitable times...or not. Driving around is fun! even to run errands! But that won't last long, says the brother. I'll get tired and lazy after a VERY short while and not wanna drive at all. hahahaha, i'll enjoy it for now =P

And yeahhh, that's right, this boy got his Ps! Better late than never! But it's not late if no one say it's late =P so i'm thinkin' its JUST on time hahahaha

The NBA's going pretty well, can't wait for the AllStars game, my main man D-Wade gon be playin' so imma be watchin'! So should every single one of y'all aight? haha! And all this LINsanity? I'm yet to see the guy play, i saw his game winner the other day tho. That was some pretty solid stuff. Guess imma needa watch moar of the Knicks games to check out why errybodies on the LIN train.

Piano back and playing again, I can't believe how much i've forgotten, it's crazyy, luckily its not completely foreign when i sit down to play, i can still get some tunes out hahaha. Went back to visit the ol' piano teacher of mine, she's doin' well, still same old same old.

So much to do, so little time. It's only everytime you wear your parents shoes and find out that it's actually harder each time you try to make them fit and do what your parents do best. Gotta give it to them, they make it look WAY too easy.

I'll keep y'all posted on my situation and all! But for now. Sleep is much needed. Really. I've never appreciated my bed moar.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tim Tam, Up n Go. Egg.

Cold Day. Track Pants.
Sun comes out.
What do you do?
You look for lunch deals. And you feast.
2x Tim Tam Double Coated Choc ---> $5.00
2x Up n Go Banana -----------------> $5.00
2x Hard boiled eggs from home? ----> Ask the parentals.
Taking a break because you feel sick during work after that 'lunch'?
(I won't even mention the sick jokes)


BUT finishing work late was not cool.

But I got things to do. I'll post some moar later.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo.

PS. TSD, that El Jannahs Family Chips weekly competition, is HAPPENING. No Question.