Monday, April 15, 2013



This is what I do when I do not want to continue along the assignments that I have knowingly lined up for myself so that I'd have the LEAST possible amount of time to complete them. My life hasn't been so dull recently, nor has it been interesting and fun. But I've kept myself busy moving so I don't hit a standstill and fall back into the seat on cruise control, of not striving for improvement.

So. Why the hell am I here again. I've just completed one assignment. I've exercised my fair share tooday. I've watched PSY's new song, Gentleman. Double-checked online that Kobe Bryant's torn Achilles was real and quite severe. I've also spent my first day actually driving around and getting use to my new Mazda 3. Which has pushed me into taking an extra shift at work, JUST so I can still spend money on whatever the hell I want when the rare opportunity presents itself.

So much to do, and the past few weeks have just flown by, trying to organize myself, but I'm nowhere near motivated enough to keep on top of everything. My workout and my diet, I've FINALLY gotten a solid grip on. Jobs, I've steadied into, however I've applied for an extra, just in case I REALLY want to switch out of whichever gets moar tedious.

I need water.

The prize for reading... I've dug up some food challenges vaguely. Hopefully I can knock 'em down one after the other when I reach my fitness goals for the next 4-6 months. Here they are:

Man Vs. Mouse 1kg Steak Challenge
Pyrmont Bridge Hotel

Waffle Stack Challenge
The Spot Chocolate Bar

Pulled Pork Challenge
Essen Food & Restaurant Cafe

1kg Schnitzel Challenge
Austrian Schnitzelhaus

You'll probably have to look these up for moar details. I don't want to know any specifics yet. I'm still months away from even being able to even eat a chip.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo